AWeber Benefits: Why choose AWeber for your Email Marketing 

There are brands and products in the market that are so popular that people start referring to an entire industry with their brand name. For instance, people say “Google” instead of “search the web” because Google is synonymous with search engines. It’s like Google is the best search engine, and all others are secondary.

AWeber is the oldest email marketing and automation tool on the web so it’s no surprise that for marketers, AWeber is synonymous to “email marketing software”. 

If you want your business to grow, you cannot ignore marketing. AWeber offers an easy-to-use platform with no hidden surprises. AWeber’s templates simplify the process of creating visually attractive email marketing campaigns, and its reporting dashboard tracks the most important statistics.  

What is AWeber?

AWeber is an impressive email marketing automation tool that provides business and their marketing teams the ability to send out automated, professional-looking, and personalized email contents and messages to targeted prospects and customers.  

You can use AWeber as a marketing solution for engaging efficiently with your prospective and existing customers so you can build and maintain healthy relationships with them. 

With AWeber, you can create excellent mailing lists that will effectively help you identify better who you need to reach out to as you launch your email marketing campaigns. AWeber ensures that the system can ultimately identify the people contained in such lists.

AWeber automates several email marketing-related activities and tasks such as responding to prospects or customers’ emails. It can also integrate with one’s existing content management systems and other types of enterprise or business tools and applications. 

(READ More: Everything you need to know about AWeber)

Who is AWeber for?

AWeber is an ideal email marketing software for all. It is relatively easy to use, making it perfect for the inexperienced marketer who hasn’t used an email marketing service before. AWeber is also packed with advanced features to satisfy inexperienced marketers who want to create highly-targeted email marketing campaigns. 

Key Features of AWeber

AWeber has several useful features such as segmentation, A/B testing, dynamic content, and landing pages.  


AWeber offers the standard contact options to add or upload a group of contacts manually. When you add a subscriber manually, you can customize the fields. You can customize anything from favorite color to gender. 

As you enter more contacts, AWeber saves you time by auto-suggesting possible tags and campaigns based on past entries. You can customize the customer information you have collected to ensure you have the data you need to create segments. Then, you can customize your campaigns so that the content you send is as relevant as possible (e.g. if you are selling clothes, you can collect information on gender and customer size and then create a segment for men sized 10-12).

AWeber empowers you to manage and understand your contacts better to personalize campaigns and create segments. Its filters and search options include useful and granular information such as date added, web page visited, sale amount, city, and custom fields you’ve added. 


AWeber provides you with several options to create emails. One of its most interesting features is the Smart Designer, its artificial intelligence-powered email builder. Through Smart Designer, you just need to enter the URL of your website and it will create a range of templates in seconds. You can save as many templates as you wish, and you can edit it further.  

The email creation dashboard is well-organized and laid out with automatic separation of draft emails you haven’t sent, emails that you are sending to everyone (broadcasts), and emails that are part of your campaign. This is extra useful when you have several campaigns and need a more segregated view of your emails to find them quicker. 

The preview function allows you to send test emails to see how your message looks mobile and desktop. However, you won’t be able to preview how it looks on individual email clients like Gmail and Outlook.

The ability to calculate your spam score based on factors like domain authority, body copy, and username help improve email deliverability rates and makes it more likely that your email will end up in your customer’s inboxes. 

Sign Up Forms

AWeber provides a signup form builder to allow you to collect details from potential customers and build your email lists. For instance, you can customize when the popup shows, such as whether it opens beneath the current page or shows on exit. You can also set various display frequencies, such as always, once per customer, or every few days.

AWeber provides several templates to help you build landing pages fast. You can also use the Smart Content functionality, which allows you to embed interactive content in your landing pages, like polls, countdown clocks, social posts, maps, and podcasts. 


AWeber’s reporting functionality tracks both email campaign metrics and email subscriber metrics. In this way, you can understand the performance of both your campaigns and your signup forms. 

 AWeber doesn’t only track vanity metrics such as opens and clicks, but also more granular revenue-based metrics that allow you to measure the ROI of your campaigns correctly.

Some of these metrics include conversions, revenue over time, and sales in a particular period. 

Benefits of AWeber

AWeber’s primary benefits are the creation of mailing lists, which can be enriched with essential pieces of information like the attributes and behaviors of prospects and customers, composing personalized email contents and messages from templates, accessing email marketing automation capabilities, and getting support from a team of professionals. 

Here are the ways on how this platform can transform your email marketing campaigns. 

Personalized Customer Engagement

If you want to engage with prospects and customers through email, you need to begin with preparing lists of people, contacts or recipients to reach out to. This is referred to as mailing lists.

The best thing about AWeber is that it allows its users to come up with ordinary lists of contacts or recipients and enrich these lists with all the necessary information they need. As you add a person to your mailing list, you will include essential information about that person such as contact details and behavioral attributes or characteristics. 

For instance, you can indicate the marketing channels being used by contact and what their actions have been. This will help you find out if a contact has been actively buying products or subscribing to the services you are offering. 

Personalized Email Contents and Messages

Send automated, professional-looking, and personalized email contents and messages to your mailing lists.

AWeber helps you launch email marketing campaigns as quickly as possible. It will enable you to craft email campaigns and messages ahead of time to no longer need to compose emails manually before they launch their email marketing campaigns. 

Through its built-in email templates, you can instantly create email contents and messages through an easy drag-and-drop feature. You can customize these email templates in any way you want, allowing you to come up with email content and messages that reflect your business’s brand and loaded with personal touches. 

Email Marketing Campaigns Automation

The ability of AWeber to automate email marketing campaigns changed the way people do their campaigns. The email marketing platform allows you to automatically reply to emails being sent out by prospects and customers. This feature is beneficial for delivering welcome or thank you messages, confirmation emails, or important reminders and notifications.

AWeber also automates the process of delivering follow-up emails to prospects and customers. You can set schedules that determine when follow-up emails should be sent out to your prospects and customers. In this way, you can reach out to your audience at the right time. 

(READ: How to set up autoresponders in AWeber)

Webinars and Training

Do you feel like you need more training and familiarity with the dynamics of email marketing? One of AWeber’s best features is it offers live webinars and training sessions to users who want to understand what email marketing is, its benefits, and how it should be done. These webinars and training sessions are provided by experts in email marketing to guide you on how to apply the best email marketing strategies. 

(READ: AWeber Pros and Cons)

Supposing you don’t want any complex email marketing features but instead want a reliable service that delivers your emails to your subscribers’ inboxes and offers excellent customer support, AWeber is the right service for you. It is an ideal choice for beginners in blogging or a small business who are looking for a solid email marketing platform at a reasonable price. 

AWeber is still undeniably one of the best email marketing tools in the industry today. 

(READ More: How much does AWeber cost?)

Still not convinced and want to check out other options? Check out our review on GetResponse


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