How to collect leads with ConvertKit 

Lead generation landing pages and email marketing are the backbones of your business online. They are working together 24/7 to boost conversion rates and increase your sales. Generally, you need a landing page to collect leads through their email addresses.

You might find it an easy task, but landing pages are great multi-taskers. In fact, they do almost the entire job – if not the entire job – in the sales process from getting the attention of your audiences up to helping them with the decision-making to purchase your product. That’s a tough job coming from a little website.

Lead generation landing pages are easy to attempt but hard to perfect. Giving a 100% creativity and marketing knowledge to come up with an awesome landing page but at the end of the day, your visitors are just leaving without even signing up. Your landing page’s main goal is to move your potential leads down towards your sales funnel. The bolder your email landing page is, the more confident you’ll be in generating new subscribers through your funnel.

There is no such thing as an easy process to achieve success. You need to think in a delicate way between having all the information you need and qualified potential leads. It requires seamless work on each and every element to turn visitors into subscribers and eventually, paying customers. Fortunately, optimizing your conversion rate and improving your lead-generation landing pages can be made manageable through a platform like ConvertKit. 

What is ConvertKit? 

ConvertKit was developed by Nathan Barry and it is a full-service email marketing service provider that helps collect leads through the use of lead generation landing pages and other powerful features. It is user-friendly and has the capabilities to integrate and automate. It also comes with customizable landing pages and sign-up forms so you can invite more email subscribers. (READ: Everything you need to know about ConvertKit)

ConvertKit Features

  • Subscribers
  • Broadcasts
  • Automation
  • Sequences
  • Forms and Landing Pages
  • Email Marketing
  • Commerce
  • Email Designer
  • Creator Pro
  • Integrations 

ConvertKit Pricing

  • Free-$0-per month- You can manage up to 1,000 subscribers, offer unlimited landing pages & forms, send email broadcasts, let you sell digital products & subscriptions, and provide email support.
  • Creator-$29- per month- You can manage up to 1,000 subscribers, offer unlimited landing pages & forms, send email broadcasts, let you sell digital products & subscriptions, provide email support, capable of migrating from another tool for free, sequences and funnels automation.
  • Creator Pro- $59- per month- You can manage up to 1,000 subscribers, offers unlimited landing pages & forms, sends email broadcasts, lets you sell digital products & subscriptions, provides email support, capable of migrating from another tool for free, sequences and funnels automation, customizable Facebook audiences, gives Newsletter referral system, provides subscriber scoring, and advanced reporting.

Another good thing about ConvertKit is that you can create a free account and make a landing page that can make high conversions. The provided landing pages are professionally designed but you can modify and customize them. Analytics are also  provided so you can make guided decisions to increase your conversions for your business to flourish. (READ More: How much is ConvertKit?)


Here’s a quick rundown on some simple conversion rate tips that might help you make better landing pages and enhance your conversion rates:  

  1. Set one goal and ignore all distractions.
  2. Use catchy headlines.
  3. Use images that can replicate your offer.
  4. Solve a pain point in your lead magnet.
  5. Make your copy attractive.
  6. Avoid making long and complicated forms.
  7. Establish trust with your audiences and visitors.
  8. Make a killer call-to-action.
  9. Always be in touch with your marketing funnel.
  10. Track your results and strive to make adjustments and improvements.

Guide on how to optimize your landing page

These are vital as you prepare to launch your email marketing, and landing page strategy together.

  • Make your headlines enticing and catchy as well as easy to understand.
  • As soon as it is available, you may add testimonials to show social proof and to testify about how strong and reliable your program, service or product is
  • When creating a keyword-rich landing page, apply SEO best practices
  • Make use of your ethical scarcity tactics to improve urgency around your offer
  • Have numerous landing pages for every email marketing campaign you manage.

How landing pages and email marketing help your funnel

After establishing your email list, you are now ready to send emails to your new subscribers, you will need a marketing sequence effort that can create trust and build a strong rapport along with your potential clients. One can’t work without the other.

By doing this, you will be able to do the following:

  • Welcome fresh and new subscribers to your email list, and make the best first impression.
  • Customer integration using your personalized emails. Sending emails depending on their needs.
  • Flourish qualified leads and make sales by converting their interests.
  • Utilize your email segmentation strategy and deliver custom recommendations.
  • Revive abandoned carts so you can make the sale hassle-free.
  • Revisit inactive users and try your best to assist them with your product.

It maximizes what you can do with email marketing and landing pages. Regardless if you are launching a new product line or services, capturing the audience’s interests, or boosting your sales; you can make a seamless integration between these powerful tools to make your funnel a successful one.

However, it is crucial to make sure that there is a connection between your email content and the landing page’s call-to-action. If not, it will just create confusion for your target audience and might lose their interests.

It is crucial to make your email marketing content focus or direct to your landing page. You can still recover your old email content but you need to keep in mind that it should be aligned to the goal of your landing page. Usually, it consists of the support of your follow-up emails.

Having a strong call-to-action (CTA) for your landing page will create an impact. You can still impose a goal that you want to prioritize on your landing page. TIP: Some creators create their email listing based on principal CTAs

Having a simple and easy to fill out email opt-in form can make the landing page and email marketing integration process easy and effortless. Your audience will absolutely like it rather than having your forms like a survey type. Just only get the information that you will need such as full name and active email address. Requesting too much information may make them distrust you or exhaust and bore them, which could result in them opting out or not pushing through with the subscription. 

Check the performance of your landing page based on split tests or A/B tests that you run. This will make you understand better which factor on your landing page generates the best conversion results, and thereafter make necessary adjustments.

How to set up a landing page and email marketing integration using ConvertKit

With just one platform – ConvertKit, the process will be seamless hence, it will be more manageable and easier for you, the user, to organize. 

Consider your main goal and how can you accomplish it using your landing page (e.g. Are you trying to promote or pitch a new product or just want to collect leads?) Your goal must be directly connected with the CTA that you put in your landing page. The stronger CTA you have, the better.

After creating a landing page, you can also make a single email broadcast or an email series using a sequence option. But it will be more advantageous to make an email sequence as this will deliver emails right after an audience signs up for your email lists automatically.

You can introduce yourself; tell something about your product or services, how your products or services might help them via the welcome email sequence. If you intend to use your email sequence as your platform to market your product or service, you may write an email marketing sales funnel. This will help you to convert your subscribers easily into customers.


ConvertKit is one of the best email marketing tools to collect leads. It helps creators turn their vision into reality. That is why it offers many effective features to make the work easy to organize and manage. Your landing page and email marketing integration must properly work since they will function as one.

Try ConvertKit for free and see how you can easily collect leads and grow your business.